Standard 6.6 Clerical and Technical Staff Support

The program has sufficient clerical and technical staff to support students, faculty, and staff, ensuring the program meets its mission and goals. The budget includes funds for an Administrative Assistant, with staffing needs reviewed annually through feedback from staff, faculty, students, and clients. Findings are presented at the annual advisory board meeting, and if additional staff are needed, the Program Director will work with the Associate Dean to draft a position description and seek approval.

Two Administrative Assistants currently support the School of Clinical Sciences, minimizing faculty administrative duties and enabling a focus on teaching, scholarship, and student supervision. They handle daily administrative tasks and collaborate with leadership to ensure compliance with accreditation and student placement requirements.

Instructional Design and Technology (IDT) provides instructional media, equipment, and support to enhance classroom environments. Within IDT, the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) supports excellence in classroom and online instruction through professional development and teaching tools. The CTL offers consultations on teaching strategies, course design, and the use of technologies like the NMU EduCat learning management system.

The CTL also provides professional development through workshops, institutes, guest speakers, and ongoing programs like Learning Circles, Faculty Learning Communities, and the Online Teaching Fellows program. These initiatives help faculty refine their teaching and deliver effective courses, enhancing their impact on student learning.

Last modified: Friday, December 13, 2024, 2:50 PM