Standard 1.4 Evaluation of Mission and Goals

Evaluation of the program mission and goals will be on the agenda of the graduate program meeting each fall. The program director and faculty will review the mission and goals and agree on revisions when needed. Any proposed changes will be presented during the annual advisory board meeting. At the time of the annual fall meeting, any changes in the university mission statement will be reviewed regarding its congruence with this program. The program director will check the mission statement annually and meet with faculty if changes are related to a new university mission statement.

The program’s strategic plan will serve as an ongoing guide as it progresses through the candidacy stage to accreditation. Formative and Summative course assessment data and programmatic assessment data will inform the program’s ability to meet goals and move toward meeting the focus areas identified in the strategic plan. Clinical site affiliates will be surveyed via an online questionnaire at least once a year to evaluate how the students represent the program in the community. 

Furthermore, the program will participate in annual assessments in congruence with university guidelines and candidacy application guidelines. The program director will complete a yearly outcome assessment. These assessments will include outcome data as well as alum feedback. Results would be shared and discussed in the graduate program meeting each fall. Updates and changes in the program as a result of this data will then be initiated. Mission and goals will be part of this discussion.

This will be the same outcome assessment that is submitted on campus once every two years to the Academic Assessment of Learning Committee. That committee consists of 19 faculty members from across campus who review the outcome reports and provide feedback regarding each program report. Programmatic assessment data collected from the students during their studies and after graduation will also be utilized to ensure that students feel adequately prepared and explore areas of growth and strength.

Supporting Documentation can be reviewed by following the links provided below.

Last modified: Saturday, December 21, 2024, 11:35 AM